How to Decorate Your Rented Home Without Loosing Your Deposit

Some landlords won’t allow tenants to make any permanent changes to their property, but when it comes to semi-permanent changes (I.e., painting), they may be more lenient to the idea, and it is always worth the ask. However, making any changes without consent of the landlord is a bad idea and can really hinder your good relationship you have with them. Most of the time, landlords will be accepting of any changes if it is returned to its original state from when you entered the property.
The issue you have with repainting, is that when the landlord wants it returned back to its original colour, they will probably want you to get this professionally done as the majority of landlords would have had it painted professionally in the first place. This can be quite costly, as you are probably already paying for painters and supplies to redecorate, and then again in the long run – so always make sure you think about the long-term costs within your budget.
Your contract can differ between different properties. With working in a letting agency, I have seen a lot of landlords having their own agreements or custom clauses with their tenants. I have also seen a lot of tenants saying that they didn’t realise that this was mentioned in their agreement. You need to read your agreement carefully, especially before signing, as this could affect your plans on making your rental into a home.
There will be terms in their about making changes and needing written permission from your landlord. Any changes that are not reversed when you choose to vacate, the landlord may be able to make deductions on your deposit.
It can be quite difficult to contact your landlord directly, even though a lot of tenants wish this would be easier. Landlords instruct agents to act on their behalf so speaking with the agent may be your quickest and easiest option. Also, agents should act as a middle ground so it can be quite helpful for you, especially when your landlord is hearing your side from a professional.
Always ensure that you have your landlord's consent in writing, this will help you in the future and keep you protected.
This can help with your long-term costs. Having modular furniture helps adapting to different rentals and rooms. It basically means that your furniture can be altered and split so that it can fit in varying shapes and sizes of rooms. For example, with a modular sofa, you might be able to split the sofa into a chair and a sofa, or from an L shape to a U shape. This is a useful comparison to other sofas where they will only come in one piece and cannot be changed.
I found an article by ‘House & Garden’ which reviews 5 companies that sell sofas in a box – ideal for moving. I have attached the link here. Also, I think the best place to find modular furniture is IKEA. They have a huge range of modular sofas of all different colours.
Sometimes you might find that the home you have rented is perfect, but the tiles and kitchen just might not be the colour you would have gone for. Changing tiles or renovating the kitchen will most likely be off the cards as these are very permanent changes. B&Q have a wide range of Vinyl wrap that you could use along the kitchen tops. I have tried this myself, and it is very tricky especially round the hob and sink. I would recommend buying a few wraps in case you make any mistakes and watch a lot of YouTube! They also have a huge range of tile stickers that can be cut to size.
As this is just stickers, it is very easy to reverse but just make sure your landlord gets a heads up.
Investing in your bedding is a great way to start. Having luxury bedding or something that stands out in the room can really make your bedroom turn from simple to opulent. Going for bold and pretty colours can make the room brighter and feel like summer all year round.
Again, Home & Gardens wrote a helpful article on statement pieces within your home. I have put the link here, but take into consideration your contract when readings this.
If you landlord does not give consent to putting up pictures using nails, as it can damage walls, then you could just lean. This will give your home a relaxed and informal feel. Examples are free standing mirrors, long mirrors leaning against the wall, or even pictures on top of a chest of drawers or on the kitchen top.
This will not need any permission from the landlord as it does not make any changes to the structure of the property, and if you ever fancy a change then it will be easier to move things around.
Changing your flooring in a rented home is most probably not going to be possible or acceptable with your landlord. It is very permanent work and expensive to reverse. To overcome this, try covering up your floor with an oversized rug, or draw the attention to a statement rug. This can also help with if you have any historic stains on your carpet.
Also, when it comes to cracks or marks on your walls, you could consider large wall hanging decorations. This is a quick fix, and very easy to put back to original condition as all you will need to do is fill a hole.
Looking at the Welsh Government’s model written statement, you can find the information on redecorating in Clause 22, ‘Making changes to the dwelling or utilities’. Bearing in mind that this is a model, and you should still always read your agreement. I just wanted to show you an idea of what to look out for and how it might be worded.